Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Moving Daze

The movers were here yesterday and today. They are very good a what they do and managed to pack all of the loose stuff (pots, clothes, books, etc...) in about one and a half days. The next step is to get it all into a truck with the furniture. The load day was to be Wednesday but is now Thursday since the truck was delayed in Ontario somewhere. That means we are short on time for cleaning before the close date so we negotiated that the movers would provide the cleaning-good negotiations on my part (with some coaching from Peter). Otherwise life goes on. Maggie has been at the kennel for the last few days and is not happy about the move. She whined quite a bit yesterday when she got home and saw that things were not as she left them. Isabelle on the other hand is looking forward to a big adventure. She had to check that all her things were packed (toys, books, etc...) yesterday and was duly impressed. (WOW is the word she used. Her eyes were as big a saucers.) I think she is starting to realize how big a deal this move is. She is still going to Apple Tree Landing every day and has activities just about every night. That makes it easier to entertain her without tying us down. Tonight the family will spend a night in Wolfville and I am off to Halifax for my flight in the morning. In some ways it will be nice to get back to normal but I think I'm going to miss the girls, again. The plan for now is that Jane, Isabelle, Maggie and Taryn will be in Saulnierville on the weekend of the 7th, and cross into the US on the Cat to arrive sometime middle of the week. As for me I have two weeks in my temporary apartment and then I move into the new house when the movers arrive. In the meantime if you want to get a hold of us try our email or put a comment on the blog.

1 comment:

D said...

Have a great journey,