Monday, May 19, 2008

Back Home

I'm back in the Valley and happy to be home. The strange thing is that I haven't slept very well since I've been here. Maybe I miss the airplanes flying out of Greenville airport at all hours of the night, maybe it's the lack of humidity, or maybe I'm just worried about the big move. Things are going well here. I spent a day in the old plant in Waterville today as a visitor. My training is coming along well. Tomorrow we'll be on the floor which should be quite interesting. I'm here with two colleagues which also makes the trip more bearable. I'm seeing things from a different perspective now that I work for the central team. At home we are in the final preparations for the big move. The last of the clean-up should take place this weekend. There is some stuff we need to drop off to some friend's house's and other things that will go to Saulnierville or Halifax. We also have a bit of stuff to throw out. Jane's big issue is packing up for a week of living out of a suitcase between Tower Road in Halifax and Wolfville. She also has to have stuff for the big road trip with Taryn when they drive down to sunny South Carolina. The plan is for her to take the ferry in Yarmouth to Portland ME. That should take a day's driving off of the trip. It also gives Isabelle a chance to see her Grandmere and Pappi one more time and run around on the ferry during the trip. In some ways I'm sorry I'm going to miss it, on the otter hand a long road trip would likely take a few days to recover from, days I can't afford right now. Tonight I told Isabelle she might get her own bathroom in the new house. She was very taken by the whole idea. She wanted to know if there would be a bathtub and sink too! She also asked if the whole thing would be big or small. We told her it would be like it is here but that she would need to help keep it clean. She's pretty excited. I can't wait to get settled and have the move behind us I also know I'm going to miss the old place here on Belcher Street (and the neighborhood).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And we will miss you, too!

Looking forward to the Road Trip :)