Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Long Week

I've been home in Kentville for over a week and been very busy. There has been a lot of family time and some serious work, both Michelin and presonal. I spent the week in the plant here in Waterville as a visitor. That was interesting. I had to be the heavy on a few issues but generally had a productive week seeing things from a different perspective. I also spent a day seeing soem people before I left and learning about some of the areas I'll be responsible for in the new job. I think I'm going to like it. Other than work there has been lots of entertaining and visiting going on. We've had a few great meals out (thank you! you know who you are) and some fun times here at home with Isabelle's friends and their parents. Both sets of grandparents were also in to visit before we move out of the house. At home we've been very busily packing, cleaning, sorting, and planning for the big move! I have to be ready to return to South Carolina on Wednesday, Jane has to be ready to entertain Isabelle and Maggie for a couple of weeks until they drive down. Both sides of the family have been very helpful in supporting us through this. We appreciate it very much. The movers show up tomorrow and are expected to take a few days to get everything ready and into the truck. From there the "stuff" will head south where I'll be waiting for it at the new house. I hope it all goes as planned but we are prepared for a few bumps along the way. It certainly has been an interesting ride so far.

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