Friday, May 9, 2008

The Great House Hunt

Busy day today. I looked at over 10 houses and townhouses with my realtor. She was wonderful and had selected most of the same houses Jane and I had on our list. It was a very busy morning and I topped it off with a meal at a Greek place on Pelham Road that makes souvlaki that would make my friend Angelos yell "Opa!" Most of the homes were OK but three really caught my attention. I haven't seen the last one but it promises to be good one. It's in an area just down the steet from my third choice. The number of bedrooms and a pool and play area in the subdision are the key right now. We need something that is big enough for company and that will keep Maggie and Isabelle entertained. I am also looking for something that is child friendly (not too much traffic), possibly has a fenced yard, and isn't too far from Isabelle's new school. Some of the kitchens in these places are amazing. One had a lovely little sun room off the kitchen that makes ours on Belcher Street look a little outdated. I also saw one practically in the middle of an industrial park that had a kidney shaped pool with a hot tub that spilled over a waterfall into the main pool. (The owner had a pool business and would maintain the pool himself.) Too bad the house was right out the early 80s and needed some work. I will hopefully get a chance to post some pictures later, especially if a decision is made. For now it's about relaxing this afternoon until I see the last house and then make a discuss with Jane. I have to say she is very trusting of the whole process. I hopefully will be able to have a decision by tonight without her actually being here to consult. For now I think I'll check out the walking trail in my apartment complex. There is also a pool but that might be for tomorrow. I also need to pop in to look at the fitness area and juice bar. I've never been to a juice bar before but, who knows, I might like it.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

And isn't that what adventure is all about? Trying new things? Good luck with the Hunt. I have been invited to 85 Belcher for chili on Sunday evening...enjoy the juice bar!