Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here We Go Again

Yesterday was not a good news day. I found out that our household belongings are stuck and the border and waiting for Jane and Isabelle's paperwork. In case some of you don't know Jane and Isabelle won't cross the border until Sunday. That means they don't have any paperwork yet! It also means a longer wait for everything - and that I likely won't have the house ready for Jane's arrival next week. To top it off we'll probably have to live a few days in my temporary apartment. That's no big deal for me but it certainly isn't what we had planed for. I also have had no luck in getting my Social Security Number (I waited for an hour today to find out someone else hasn't done what they are supposed to). It looks like the Department of Homeland Security here in the US is not interested in processing my visa so nothing else can happen in the meantime. The problem with this is that without the SSN I can't get an American credit card, I can't order the cell phones I want for Jane and I, and I may not be able to take possession of the new Jeep we ordered. I'm really starting to get frustrated with the bureaucracy. Other than that it's been a good week at work. I'm finally over the cold I imported from Canada (don't tell the Feds I smuggled that one in) and have had a productive week. I spent most of it auditing our facility in Spartanburg. I know most of you don't want to hear it but the weather here is fine - if a little hot. The highs this week have been 32, 33, 34, and 36 today. The weekend is supposed to be the same or hotter and will likely be a record setter. Without a house to move into I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do. I suppose I'll head to the market and enjoy the downtown. Oh well - I knew there would be days like this, I just hopped this part of the adventure was going to go smoothly.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Paul! What a drag! Does that make you an Illegal Alien??? Hopefully, our end of the adventure will go more smoothly! We are all set (well, I am presently doing laundry...)and are excited about having rapure and chowder in Claire tonight. See you soon!

Paul Melanson said...

I'm not illegal yet but I'm much closer than everyone knows. I'll tell you when you get here.