Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Soccer Season

Another soccer season has ended at the YMCA. Isabelle has improved but more importantly she had fun, most of the time. Up to this point it has been hard to tell if she has inherited my competitive streak (I'm not sure you can even inherit that anyway.) Most days she wants to go but gets tired and complains about wanting to be in goal. In the end I think it has been a good experience for her.

As for me...it's been a learning experience. I have played sports at some very high levels. I have also coached some teams to provincials and other serious events. Coaching four and five year olds is a different game altogether, and coaching my own daughter has made me really dig deep. I certainly enjoyed stepping up as the assistant coach for the Tigers (Isabelle's soccer team) but when the going got tough it was hard to keep my perspective. It's not that all I care about is winning. After all these kids are four and five, they're here to have fun, learn a few skills, make some friends, and learn some of the basic rules. But when the other team's parents are being negative towards my team and generally not living up to the "parent's code of conduct" (like this one from the Dunesland Soccer Club) it's hard for me not to lose my cool.

Anyway, now that all of that is off my chest here is a great shot of Isabelle. This is how she plays most of the time with lots of spirit and energy. We'll have to see what she wants to do this fall. Maybe another season, maybe something else. Who knows? She's been talking about dance lessons. At least I know I won't be giving her any pointers there.

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