Monday, August 18, 2008

Spider Man

It was going to happen sometime and I'm glad I was there when it did. Yesterday we came across out first (at the first I've recognized) venomous spider. It was a black widow. They aren't as nasty as some people think but they are serious. I saw it on Isabelle's slide-of all places. I did have it torn apart because I was cleaning and fixing it, but it was there none the less! We took it as an opportunity to try and educate Isabelle about them but I'm not sure it took. We also managed to get a few pictures of it before I smashed it! Anyway, here they are. I suppose this might limit the number of visitors we get. I might add that there are other creatures here that do pose a problem for some. These include the brown recluse spider. It's bit is serious but not typically fatal either. In the reptile family (excuses to the biologists out there-I had previously said amphibians) there are rattle snakes, copper head snakes, and cottonmouth snakes, but these are really just a few of the snakes that are here. Check out his link for more snakes. Most are non-venomous but they all should be treated with care. Same are apparently very good to have around because they eat other, more harmful snakes. Hopefully we won't encounter too many of any. Then there are the alligators, but that will be for another post.


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! Glad I didn't venture too close to that slide! Isabelle and I had 'washed" the swing she was so desperate to get on it one day. Nope-sorry-you have not tempered my desire to come and visit in the fall!

Mike said...

snakes are reptiles, not amphibians; sheesh, some people's engineers...