Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guppies, Guppies Everywhere...

Isabelle swam guppies again this year. Guppies is a swim league for the little swimmers who are not old enough, experienced enough, or confident enough for the SAIL (Swim Association Invitational League). This year was more of a success than last year. She had some good starts and improved her times for the most part.

Her backstroke keeps improving and she's added the breast stroke to her repertoire. We need to keep working on the freestyle.

Here is what it looks like:

Decked out in the fast swimsuit with the goggles and of course a cool swim cap. It has fins you know!

They always have a kick board event on top of the freestyle, backstroke, and relay. It helps to jump in with the board over your head, and the bigger the splash the better. It adds to the fun factor.

Spotters make sure everyone is safe. Isabelle usually doesn't need one, except for the encouragement they provide.

The video above is the freestyle (if it works). She still needs some work on it but I sure wasn't swimming like that at her age.

Now the backstroke is smoking. It's always been her strongest event but it still amazes me (again, if the video works).

Of course there are snacks. That's always fun. Plus ribbons. You have to compare times you know!

Here's to another great season with lots of fun. It couldn't have been possible without all the volunteers: deck moms, coaches, timers, recorders, starters, and spotters. Thanks a whole bunch and we'll see you next year.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Way to go, Isabelle!