Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Year, Another Project

In spite the unseasonal cold temperatures here we still don't have any snow. It certainly is cold enough but we never get cold and precipitation together.

Anyway, due to this we are still tooting around on the "two wheeler" as Isabelle likes to call it. That also means the bike is now all over the garage floor (without training wheel to keep it up) and seems to be taking up more space. Add to that the fact that the wall rack where Jane's bike was is now occupied by one of my kayaks and we have a storage issue.

That brings me to this week's project. It still amazes me what you can get on the Internet these days. Everybody, including me I suppose, has a website, a Blog, or some info on how to do all sorts of things. The bike rack I put together was easy to build and very inexpensive. It can be found here from the eHow website. The finished result looked like this. It's not exactly the right thing for your $2500 racing bicycle but it will do just fine for our family's old bikes.

So, now that the holidays are over things get back to normal. Isabelle starts back a school tomorrow, I go back to work, and the extracurricular activities start up again. Isabelle has skating beginning on Monday at the Pavilion. It seems to be the only place in the state with ice most of the year. Gymnastics will also kick off again for Isabelle. I have volleyball starting off this week too and I think Jane is looking forward to getting back to the YMCA for circuit training and yoga.

Either way it should be a good start to 2010. Here we are in our eighteenth month in South Carolina and still having a pretty good time. Eighteen months could be the mid-point of our stay or it could just be the beginning; it all depends on what assignment comes up next. It's certainly not the same celebrating the holidays without family and friends close by but we are taking advantage of the time we have here to see it and do as much as we can. We have some major travel planned for this year (both professional and personal) and should get to catch up with most people at some point over the summer.

So, Happy New Year to all and all the best to you, your family, and your friends in 2010.

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