Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Year in Review (for Isabelle)

The year has been a big one for Isabelle. She started a new school, quite successfully I might add, and continues to grow and learn here in South Carolina.

Jane and I were reviewing a little and think that her two biggest accomplishments in the last little while have been learning to tie her shoes and learning to ride a two-wheeler.

The shoes started when the school started their swimming lessons at the Eastside YMCA. There was a note sent home that in the interest of speeding up the transition from the pool to the school the parents either needed to teach their kids to tie their shoes or send them in with Velcro or other "easy to lace up" shoes. We opted for the first and within a week or so she was doing pretty well. Now we need to work on how tight they are done up so that they stay tied.

Here is a neat video by Justin Roberts some of you kids (and parents) out there might like:

As for the two wheeler I'm sorry I didn't try earlier. On the other hand she may not have been ready earlier. The project started when I pulled out my scooter. (It's just a push scooter that I actually used to shoot down the hill in Kentville when I took the bus to work.) Anyway, all the kids have them here so I let Isabelle try it. I thought it would help her develop a better sense of balance.

Anyway, a few weeks ago we talked it over with her and pulled off the training wheels. We had a twenty minute session one day that went OK but didn't show any real progress. The second session last weekend was better but she was still pretty shaky and only getting maybe eight or ten feet before stopping. Then yesterday I went out with her and she just took off. She started doing big loops around the cul-de-sac. I was shocked and impressed! It was like she'd been scamming us. Anyway, here is the video, from yesterday, after only three lessons!

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