Monday, January 5, 2009

Digital Diary

Between posting on my computer and Jane keeping the pictures on the desktop, it seems like I don't always have the pictures to prove everything I talk about. Well, here is the proof. This post is all about pictures. There some stuff from before Christmas when we had friends in, some from in and around Christmas, and some from our road trip to Connecticut (including that little bundle of energy-my nephew Sam). So here goes...
Greenville has a very nice Christmas Parade. This year Mona, Graham , and Hayley were here so we all went together.
We also went to the Georgia Aquarium.
Saw some pretty neat creatures.
The girls did crafts there too. They're pretty serious crafters!
After the aquarium we ran around outside the World of Coca-Cola. The girls enjoyed it but it was unseasonably cold. We also took everyone on a road trip to Caesar's Head. The view was great and we managed to get a family picture out of it.
The girls had a good time running around together.
Remember my post about Hollywild? This is some of the lights.
Papa and his girl on Christmas eve.
Jane and Isabelle, again on Christmas Eve. Maggie had a good Christmas too. This bone is still keeping her busy. On the road to Connecticut I saw my dream vehicle. It was a Jeep with a huge P&H logo in the back window. P&H is a British company that makes kayaks. My first kayak was a P&H.
After Christmas we hit the road and saw lots of things. This reminded me on one of my most memorable Christmases when I got a fire engine under the tree. In Gettysburg Isabelle found some sushi she really liked!
..and we saw some amazing of American history at the Gettysburg Battlefield.
Gettysburg was very pretty at night. This is Lincoln Square.
The Crayola Factory and Museum in Pennsylvania were neat too. In Connecticut Sam made his uncle and his grandfather proud.
We celebrated New Year's Eve.
And came back over the George Washington Bridge in the middle of New York-it was quite the drive-865 miles in 17 hours.


Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures.


Taryn said...

Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease send me those 2 pics of papa and mama on C'Mas Eve with the Girl!!!

Great pics, Paul...thank you for sharing. I'm glad you guys had a great holiday :)