Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Canada Day in the US

We took part in an interesting celebration with lots of fellow Canadians. The Canadian Consulate in Raleigh, NC had a Canada Day party for anyone who wanted to come. The party was downtown in Greenville at Cleveland Park. There were lots of free hot dogs and sodas. They even had hats, tattoos, pins, and bracelets for the kids. It was interesting to talk to all the other people who came. There were a few Michelin types (some I knew, others I didn't) and lots of french speaking Canadians. As many as a third were from Quebec or other areas. The party was dog friendly-which was good for Maggie-and there were lots of kids for Isabelle to play with. Work has been interesting. I've been on my own and preparing for a trip to Nova Scotia. Work without my trainer has meant complete immersion. I've learned more in the last few weeks than in the first little while. In some ways I'm surprised at how much I know-in other cases I realize how much I have to learn. The Fourth of July has come and gone. It was interesting to see the colours and festivities. There were fireworks on the evening of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th! They really seem to celebrate here. The fact that it was on a Friday made for a long (and extra long) weekend for lots of people. There were lots travelling but in general the roads weren't too bad. The office was pretty empty though! It's amazing the amount of fireworks available here. A dozen or so small shops popped up everywhere. By the 4th they were offering buy one get one free. I didn't take part but I wonder how much money is spent and goes up in flames.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are coming together for you at work and looks like you are enjoying youself outside. Things are not the same back north without you. :-)

Keep paddling